Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry
(AAS)(Model ContrAA 700 by Analytik Jena)
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (AAS) has become the most widely single element technique for the determination of metal ions. It is based on the absorption of radiation by neutral, ground state atoms produced by an atomizer.
The analytical sample for AAS is usually in the form of a solution. Thus for solid samples, a dissolution procedures; if detection limits are inadequate, a preconcentration or a different sample introduction or atomization technique may be required. Separation procedures are sometimes necessary if interference causes serious systematic errors that cannot be simpler means.
Atomic absorption spectrometry is used to determine metal ions and some nonmetals in almost every conceivable type of sample. Many standard procedures for water analysis are based on AAS. The use of AAS in the metallurgical and mining industries is common for analysis of metal, alloys and geochemical samples.