Faculty Members

bahador ghayem

bahador ghayem

bahador ghayem    (FA Page)

Associate Professor

Dr. Qayyem was born in the city of Abadan in 1966. He spent his primary education in the same city and in 1988 he graduated from the Teacher Training University of Shiraz with an associate degree in social sciences. In the same year, he became a teacher of history, geography and social sciences at schools of Ramshir city, Khuzestan. In 1994, he received his bachelor's degree from Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz. In 1997, he entered Tarbiat Modares University in Tehran to obtain a master's degree, and in 1999, he graduated with honors in the field of Islamic history. The title of his master's thesis was "Imam Sadegh (PBUH) and his contemporary intellectual currents". In the same year, he was accepted to study at the doctoral program of the University of Tehran (1999) and in 2004, he received a 6-month scholarship from the University of Tehran to visit the University of Damascus where he conducted research under the supervision of Professor Dr. Soheil Zakar. In 2005, he defended his doctoral dissertation entitled "The Role of the Berbers (Imazighen) in the Socio-Political Developments of North Africa in the Almoravid dynasty" and received a doctorate from the University of Tehran. Since then, he has been teaching and researching at Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz.


BA: History, Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz - Ahvaz

 MA: Islamic History, Tarbiat Modares University  - Tehran

  PhD: Islamic History, the University of Tehran- Tehran


Fields of interest:

History of Islam - North Africa in the 5th and 6th centuries AH (Almoravid dynasty)


Other interests (teaching and research):

- History of Islam - Islamic culture and civilization

- History of Shiism and Islamic sects

- History of Islamic Iran - (Study and research in the field of Mandaeism in Iran)




