Faculty of Veterinary Medicine creates and publishes virtual surgery training application

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine creates and publishes virtual surgery training application

Faculty of Veterinary Medicine creates and publishes virtual surgery training application

Virtual surgery training application, CyberSurgeon, was created and published by a faculty member and two students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Shahid Chamran University (SCU).

According to the Public Relations Office of SCU, in this regard, Dr. Soroush Sabiza, a general surgeon and a member of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, emphasized the need to use the capacity of cyberspace, "the situation in which virtual education is a serious strategy to prevent or compensate for educational backwardness, the use of virtual possibilities has become more indispensable."

Sabiza pointed out that the target users of this application are students and enthusiasts of veterinary and medical fields with surgical orientation and operating room technicians.

He added, "CyberSurgeon intends to facilitate learning of the basics of surgery by providing a practical platform, images, instructional clips, textual explanations, as well as surgical study resources." Dr. Sabiza continued, "this application provides video tutorials along with educational clips of over 100 stich patterns, introduction to the principles of sterilization, and introduction to equipment, to name a few."

It is worth mentioning that Pouya Najaf Kouchak and Aida Rezaeipour, PhD students of SCU, collaborated with Dr. Sabiza in designing this application.

The application is available to download in the following link:



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